Do you want to take better photos?

Hey, I'm David Molnar. I'm determined to help you become a GREAT photographer. The blog is a great way to start that process!

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Renting lenses and other photography gear

How do you know that a $2,500 lens is worth it for you if you’ve never used one before?

Why not rent the gear you want to try? For just a fraction of the cost, you can find out if that new lens you’ve been eyeing really is as amazing as they say. Let’s look at how it works!

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Podcast Episode 075 – Photography is Best Learned with a few Surprise Announcements

Photography is Best Learned with a few Surprise Announcements Show Notes David Molnar and Rich Coleman are back with the Your Photography Mentor Podcast to …

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How to Reduce Headaches with Customers

Grumpy clients? We have all been there from time to time.

However, you can protect yourself from the misunderstandings that are often at the root of these troubles with a contract firmly in place.

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Podcast Episode 074 – We Want to Hang with YOU in Person in Nashville!

We Want to Hang with YOU in Person in Nashville! Show Notes Join your favorite podcast duo, David Molnar and Rich Coleman, as they announce …

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A Fashion Photography Guide

You’re the photographer so all your photos are missing an important element — you!

Don’t worry, you can be a photographer and be in the frame. Check out how with these important tips.

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Podcast Episode 073 – The Secrets of Wildlife Photography

The Secrets of Wildlife Photography Show Notes Join David Molnar as he hosts renowned Wildlife Photographer Andreas Hemb. Learn Andreas' start in photography, his technique …

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How To Be In The Shot

You’re the photographer so all your photos are missing an important element — you!

Don’t worry, you can be a photographer and be in the frame. Check out how with these important tips.

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Podcast Episode 072 – Your Chance to Start your Photography Business

Your Chance to Start your Photography Business Show Notes TPM PRO Business Coach Zach Gray is joined by your favorite Podcast sidekick, Rich Coleman. Listen …

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How to Build a Sports Photography Portfolio

Sports photography is a fantastic way to combine two passions. What sports-loving photography buff wouldn’t love to get paid to shoot sporting events?

But, how do you build a solid sports photography portfolio — especially without access to the best vantage points at games? Read on to find out how!

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Podcast Episode 071 – Get Paid to Shoot

Get Paid to Shoot Show Notes Join David Molnar and Zach Gray as they give you an exclusive inside glance to what TPM PRO offers. …

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How To Shoot Long Exposure Water Photography

Have you ever seen those tranquil images of a waterfall or ocean waves where the water looks like silk? The whole image is in perfect focus, but the water is perfectly smooth.
How is it done? It’s easier than you think!

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Podcast Episode 070 – The Secrets of Off Camera Lighting

The Secrets of Off Camera Lighting Show Notes Join TPM mentors Zach Gray and Josh Wood on the Photography Mentor Podcast where Zach shares his …

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What to Shoot in Winter

Photography is all about finding the beauty, adventure, excitement, emotion, etc in the everyday.

Who decided these moments are limited to Spring, Summer, and Fall?

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Podcast Episode 069 – The Euphoria of Getting Paid to Shoot

The Euphoria of Getting Paid to Shoot Show Notes Join David Molnar as he interviews TPM PRO Business Mentor Zach Gray. Hear his inspirational story …

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How To Shoot For Black and White

The world is full of intense, beautiful colors. As photographers, we soak up the colors around us and use them as part of our compositions — part of the stories we tell with our photographs. But sometimes the absence of color can be powerful.

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Podcast Episode 068 – The New Year

The New Year Show Notes David, Rich and Josh got students excited and gauged student's interest in preparation for Friday's exciting live! The shared some …

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Why You Should Upgrade Your Kit Lens

To be fair, modern kit lenses are pretty awesome. But as you grow in your photography journey, you’ll start hitting the limitations. Then, you’ll start wondering if it’s time to move on to a different lens.

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Podcast Episode 067 – Meet Shaun Gordon, CEO of Kiss Books

Meet Shaun Gordon, CEO of Kiss Books Show Notes Shaun Gordon joins David and Rich to talk about the importance of prints and albums! He …

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